Membership in the Chorverband Berlin
The Popchor Spandau has been a member of the Chorverband Berlin e.V. since 2024. The Chorverband Berlin e.V. is the largest amateur music organisation in the capital and the most important forum for Berlin's amateur choir scene. It comprises over 300 ensembles with more than 10,000 members. These include mixed large and small choirs, chamber choirs, vocal ensembles, male, female, children's, youth, school, senior and shanty choirs, gospel, pop and jazz formations, choirs from different cultural backgrounds, cantorates, church and oratorio choirs as well as instrumental groups and orchestras with a connection to choral singing.
We introduce ourselves in Chorspiegel Berlin, the magazine of the Berliner Chorverband
We are very excited to be a part of such a large community of singing people.
Visit our image gallery for impressions of other performances